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Old 04-07-2020, 10:04 AM   #33
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
What an encouraging testimony. Your story has been added to Hebrews 11!
Good observation - another snapshot of faith in action!

Sobering news out of NY state as over 700 reported perishing in one day. Lord Jesus!

I just got off a conference call (via computer) with a work team and the question was asked, "What's something positive in the current situation you've personally experienced?" Some good things shared - one person donated a box of surgical masks to a local hospital, that he'd been given by a client a few months ago. A number of other positive things were shared by others.

I shared an experience my wife and I had last night about the number of neighbors we're now seeing. We were sitting in our front area and were pleased to see so many people out & about, all maintaining their "social distancing" standards. We exchanged ideas and supplies with a number of people, and everyone wanted to be helpful to one another. The young couple next door had a birthday party in their driveway with a handful of friends and relatives, all sitting in lawn chairs spaced apart from one another. Rubber gloves, face masks (and face mask ideas), hair color and a couple bottles of beer were exchanged, as well as many exhortations of "let us know if you need anything" and "wash those hands!"

It was striking and ironic that it's taken something like this pandemic (plus admittedly it's springtime in AZ), to get everyone out out of their houses and talking to one another! It reminds me of growing up in Ohio, when each evening people would be out on their front porches (remember those?) talking to one another and exchanging little pleasantries (including homemade cookies, etc.).

May the Lord use all of it to rescue us, draw us to Himself and build His church!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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