First off, my heart goes out to you. But!! I am so glad you were delivered by that unclean spirit of fear. That spirit can paralyze us. It sure has paralyzed a lot of people. That's not to say we should be so puffed up and disregard "the stay at home" recommendations and "social distancing" as some 'churches' are doing.
I have not experienced any fear as not a day goes by that I don't praise, worship give thanks and bless the LORD with all my heart and soul. I also apply the Blood of Jesus daily over myself, my family, my friends, neighbors, my subdivision, my city, my country and all the doctors, nurses, staff, and hard working people who are helping the needy. I have a nephew who lives in Manhattan NY. As a child he went to church but I don't know if he ever really got saved or connected with Jesus. He is doing very well in his job. And does not seem to fear the virus but he is hunkered down and working from home. I pray daily for his protection but most of all that he would connect with Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
Asking for protection for yourself and family is not a selfish prayer whatsoever.
The LORD wants us to ask for protection, for Wisdom for Comfort, to supply all our needs according to the riches of His Glory.
May the LORD continue to strengthen you, grant you more Wisdom and Revelation, showering you with His Love, and bless you with the Spirit of Peace and Joy in these 'uncertain times'.
And may the same blessings go to all reading this post.
Originally Posted by byHismercy
For me, personally, the Lord has used the virus as a tool.....to gain my trust and love and dependence on Him. In March, as it spread, and as my fear heightened, I cried to Him, told Him I could not bear the strain of that much anxiety, and I was pretty sure it would crack me, as in, mental breakdown.....I just rebuked the spirit of fear, and declared my spirit of sonship. He just delivered me from that unclean spirit. I don't know how....He is mighty and able to do as He speaks, that is all I know. Every day I lay any fear at His feet. I am praying for my county, each city in Boundary Co, every night with my children. I pray for the staff at both ports and you know what, saints? Zero cases in our county so far. I don't claim to know the plans of the Lord for us, but I selfishly ask for protection, and I am going to keep on doing so. I hope when this passes, I will be boasting about Jesus to everyone who will listen. I hope I am faithful to Him, emboldened by Him, and I hope I am found by Him speaking His throne, His authority over everything, to everyone. I also pray millions of hearts and minds would turn to find Him because of this trouble. Sometimes we need to need Him, a lot. I think He is arranging all so we would just love Him back....a little bit of what love He has for us. God in Jesus bless each of you, and every person who visits this forum.