Re: Rebuilding of the Temple?
Throughout history there has always been a remnant of Jewish people -- survivors -- in their homeland. The Romans may have extinguished the nation of Israel and destroyed every stone of the temple, but not every Jew was killed. God always has a way of preserving what He needs to fulfill His promises.
I don't think the preservation of the Western Wall was an accident or some mistaken relic of their long lost Temple. I also think there is validity in the rumors of the preservation of the Ark of the covenant. The rebuilding of the Temple will occur, and the speed of its building will shock the World. Daniel's prophecy demands it.
Israel will have their final week of years, sure as the sun rises in the East. Though they will still suffer greatly during this "week," and falsely believe that the Man of Sin is their long awaited Messiah, in the end they will look upon "the One who was pierced" and believe, be delivered, and be restored to their former glory under the real King "David."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!