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Old 04-03-2020, 09:53 AM   #19
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Default Re: Rebuilding of the Temple?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Regarding being a distraction, I got quite caught-up in reading this and that, pros and cons to the various theories. Don't get me wrong, it was interesting, but something I felt wasn't profitable to pursue so intently.

Regarding the so-called "Wailing Wall," here's a couple factoids: Jesus said of the temple, "not one stone will be left on another." Josephus, and other historians confirm this in detail, showing how brutally thorough the Romans were in destroying it. One interesting theory is that the wall was was actually part of the Roman garrison's Fort Antonio, which the Romans probably wouldn't have destroyed. If that's the case, it is certainly one of the major ironies of history, isn't it!?
The wailing wall was never part of the actual temple, but part of the 2nd Temple mount extended platform built by Herod 10-20BC.'s_Temple

"Fort Antonio" sounds like Israel's Alamo, perhaps an old wive's tale.
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