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Old 04-02-2020, 05:58 PM   #14
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Rebuilding of the Temple?

This is the bellwether. Right? This is the big one. Prophecies of the end times cannot be fulfilled until the temple is rebuilt.

I saw a documentary a couple of years ago about archeological evidence that the location of the ancient temple was not where they have believed for hundreds of years. That is, the Temple Mount where now the Muslim Dome of the Rock is built. Archeologists found evidence that the ancient temple/s were located in the City of David very near, within sight of the current Temple Mount. They found foundational stones arranged in the same shape as the ancient Temple which was destroyed.

I’ve also seen documentaries and read that the Temple has been prefabricated and the stones are hidden in nearby locations. The curtains, gold implements, robes, etc., and everything required to rapidly build the temple and bring all the items required for worship according to Leviticus...all is ready.

What do you all think?

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