Originally Posted by Nell
It certainly looks that way. However, 3 things: 1) I think Americans and Europeans are seeing the absolute necessity of “borders” and maintaining the ability to close borders when necessary. 2) Many Americans see and agree with the wisdom of “America First” as are other countries at least considering “why am I not putting my country ‘first’”? 3)The “Brexit” movement shows that the EU was not all it was billed to be...all of which counter OWG thinking.
Additionally, it would seem that the World Health Organization is a move toward One World Government. However, evidence is starting to surface that the WHO is and has been for quite some time, overly influenced by one country: China.
The Lord may be giving us a little more time...
Nell, that's as I see it too. "The Lord may be giving us a little more time..."
Advocates of border security are for national sovereignty and advocates for open borders are for globalism (OWG). Current leaders in US, UK, Italy, Australia seem to have our current situation paused for OWG. I tend to think it's a matter of time.