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Old 04-02-2020, 01:37 PM   #278
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: Questions or Questionings

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Question to an elder Dick Ingram 2001

Reports of Moral Violation and an Eyewitness Account

I recently (2001) phoned a brother in Redding, CA, Dick Ingram, about a certain
matter and we got into a discussion about the problems of misconduct at the Living
Stream Ministry office in the late eighties. This brother, an elder, stated that he thought
that all the talk back then about the business manager’s immoral behavior was just
hearsay. Since I heard from others that it was definitely not hearsay, but true, I sought to
talk to an eye-witness. This whole matter of Philip Lee’s serious misconduct and his
being allowed to continue on in the capacity as manager of the LSM operations, working
with sisters, without discipline from Brother Lee or the elders over a long period of time
was a primary driving wedge between the saints and a major contributing factor to the
turmoil and division in the recovery.
Questions versus Questionings....another manner to say having it both ways.
For those ever summoned to the fellowship room, how can that not be in itself labeled as questionings?
"The brothers" have their assertions and I have mine. How is any history related to Phillip Lee "covered" and not "covered over"?
Most certainly it had been covering over. Regional respected brothers knew and did nothing. Currently this article had been carefully crafted to sidestep any assertions about LC history.
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