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Old 04-01-2020, 08:06 AM   #275
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
3) Does LC leadership perceive a global pandemic to somehow threaten their movement?
Besides Curious' two good reasons, I see another.

Recovery survival is all about meetings. Meetings to meet friends and meetings for members to also speak. At least this was a serious motivator for me.

LSM's "Feasts" held throughout the year offered great opportunities to connect and re-connect with friends around the country. Linking up at the local restaurant or hospitality during breaks was a great motivator. It was the reason for many to sacrifice their vacation time for another sort of "vacation." During those long-winded and boring messages in the meetings, I learned how to take naps while pretending to take notes. I learned how to do that in college. Sometimes I took notes just to stay awake, but I never napped during the beginning and end of the meetings.

Secondly, for the more serious members, we always came ready to speak something in the meeting. We had to. I loved to prepare, and discover something inspiring in the Word of God. The anointing Spirit would provide great strength and encouragement via this constant practice. This is the part I miss the most.

All that is over because of the corona virus. For good reason, the LC leaders realize their survival is in jeopardy. Not meeting together is far more dangerous than negative internet websites. LC members will not endure those same long-winded and boring messages watching some tasteless podcast on a computer screen.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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