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Old 04-01-2020, 03:12 AM   #29
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Default Re: The Universal Government of God - Ron Kangas

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
The LC gets a lot of things wrong with their concept of what God's government is. When it is convenient for them to do so, they will claim that a person/situation is out of their control and it God will deal with it. By contrast, they will also speak about God's government as a way to defend their actions when they feel the need to take action against others, such as with those they deem to be "negative", "opposers", etc.

In the recording Ron speaks about leaders/elders who have hurt those they are leading. This is one of those issues where it is convenient for him to take the stance that it is all under "God's control" and that it will be dealt or work itself out somehow. He then says that when such leaders get dealt with by God they will be stronger spiritually. What is missing from this equation? Any regard for those who have been hurt.
I'd share a few ideas on my concepts of God's government. And yes they're concepts, just like RK and the LC have concepts. No more or less - concepts are examined, pruned, modified. They're not immutable truths to be received uncritically.

My concept of God's government is tied to obedience. "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven". We the disobedient are therefore disqualified to say much on God's government. "If you, being evil, can give good gifts to your children..." (Matt 7:11; Luke 11:13).

But we see in scripture Jesus, the Obedient Lamb of God, who is King of kings and Lord of Lords. God expresses His will through the scripture, the inspired Word of God, which Word is now Personified in the Son. We who receive this Son, by confessing his name and receiving his Holy Spirit, are now qualified to begin to participate in God's government. God loved us so much, that He sent His Son, and brought us back home. The obedience of Jesus is proved by God's raising him from the dead and giving him glory. This is why our faith opens the door. This is why our faith is imputed righteousness. It is in his obedience, not ours.

Then, consider Watchman Nee - he was trained and led by women, who were not "under the covering" of male leadership. And he was disobedient to them! Margaret Barber told him not to read Jessie Penn-Lewis, but he read "War on the Saints" and then cribbed it for his book "Spiritual Man". (The publisher's preface to the Second Edition admits this, calling the uncredited citations an oriental approval). Then, Miss Barber told him to obey Leland Wang, his elder, but eventually WN broke with Wang and took over the Shanghai Christian Assembly, whose hall Wang had purchased (Wang went on to be a preacher of renown, called "The Billy Graham of China").

So WN was at least doubly or perhaps even trebly disobedient to God's government.

Disclaimers: I'm also partly disobedient. Perhaps more than WN, who knows? Ye I say that there's a "rule" in the universe, and we all are held to it, as Jesus was. Obedience. There's no "special servant" who can make up their own rules as they go, and sidestep the divine law and the divine government. And I don't say that women should be subservient - they can receive light. They can teach. But the LC says women can't teach, but bases its own revelation on women's teaching! How is this system legitimate? Women were used (Ruth Lee, Peace Wang et al) to gain power, then were "sent down". Look at Jane Anderson: her 'crime' was to teach, encourage, console, exhort other Christians. In the LC this was deemed 'factious' and 'drawing others' and 'forming parties', yet all of these things WN and WL had done before her, and were doing. Why was she wrong? Why, she was a woman! For shame! And yet they laud other women as instrumental, pioneers of recovery.

The LC's "government of God" is set on sinking sand, and its problems, both current and past, all stem from this. Jesus alone, as Christ and Son of God, is the rock. Our faith is in him, not some 'recovered truth' or 'delegated authority'. Anyone who gives themselves to these "powers and authorities" (cf Eph 1:21, 6:12) will suffer commensurably.

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
The LC has such a tragic history of abuses that have been covered up. Among all those who have been hurt directly or indirectly through such abuses, it became necessary at one point or another to draw the line with the LC. The LC disregards such history as irrelevant, and also disregards the continued abuses, claiming that it is all allowed to happen under God's government. This is why the cycle continues.
The cycle continues: Jane Anderson, John Ingalls, Steve Isitt, Jo and Greg Casteel.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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