Originally Posted by Terry
This is factually incorrect. The brother doing the recording did not sent it. He recorded the messages on another brothers server. Perhaps after the fact decided it is best to remove these messages off the server. By then it had been too late. Message began to circulate.
Yes Terry, and just to clarify this matter a little more for everyone, here is some background:
In 2007 a dear brother in South America had asked to use some of the storage space on a server that I was paying the bill for. This was fine with me since it was being under-utilized (I only had a few positive LC related websites back then). So I supplied that brother with the login information and left it at that. I trusted him fully and continued to keep the account paid up.
Some time later on, I began to look through files on my server and discovered a series of messages given by Ron Kangas in Ecuador. Because, at that time, I still had a considerable degree of respect for Ron's teaching gift, I began to listen intently to those messages. But when I got to the recording of that leaders fellowship, I was horrified to hear Ron slandering Steve Isitt by name! This is the moment when I made direct contact with Steve Isitt to let him know what I had discovered on "my" server. Steve Isitt was likewise very shocked because he had no idea this defamation had taken place.
At this point, due to this recording being evidence of lawless behaviour on the part of Ron Kangas, I felt that before God I was supposed to regain exclusive control over the server - so I changed the login without even notifying the dear brother I had formerly trusted with access.
Digging a little deeper on that server, I discovered there was an active
Spanish language website where ALL of those Ambato Ecuador messages were publicly made available on the internet. These messages were even highly recommended for everyone's edification by the brothers in Cali Columbia! So this claim currently being made by Ron Kangas about someone violating confidentiality by making an unauthorized recording of his lawless speaking makes no sense at all.
That South American brother did try to contact me later on after I removed his access to the server, but there was no mention in his communications of an unauthorized audio recording needing to be taken down. BTW: I credit Ron Kangas with the destruction of my positive relationship with that brother in South America. Ron has way more than just Greg Casteel’s blood on his hands.
It’s possible that Ron may only be mentioning (spinning) this matter now because of the way I’ve relentlessly pressed the issue at this channel:
https://youtu.be/ocr-FKHycWk (please check out the video description where I’ve been transparent about this whole matter)
Below is the original audio file of Ron Kangas' defaming of Steve Isitt. The time-stamp proves that it has been un-tampered with ever since being placed there by my South American friend, over 12 years ago:
comunion.para.hnos.r..> 2008-02-02 07:33 14M