Originally Posted by Indiana
Words of Ron Kangas: "So some years ago, in 2008, I went to the Ecuador in South America and I had a meeting with the leading brothers from various churches and I warned them of a very negative person spewing out all kinds of attacks. I gave the name, so they knew who he was. Then I found out that someone in that meeting violated confidentiality, recorded what I spoke, and sent it to this person. And, for some reason he put it online to make it known to the world and then he filed a lawsuit against me, [for] slandering him. As soon as I heard this, I had no fear. I had no anger, I had no anxiety and I just said, Lord I give this to you."
Regarding Greg and Jo Casteel
"Then, after the training in July, maybe you remember there were some strong words spoken concerning rebellion and some serious words spoken about misrepresenting God, And about 5 or 6 weeks later the husband of the one who was being the most vociferous, speaking the most, every kind of evil, negative thing, took his life."
"Then I received emails accusing me of his death and was told, 'you have blood on your hands'. I can’t mention the vocabulary used. Again, didn't bother me, no fear, no anxiety, no need to fight back. I give this to you, Father God. This attack is against You. Then I read again in Numbers 16, after the ground opened up the sons of Korah and his followers went down to Sheol and the fire came down and 250 died. The next day all the people blamed Moses and Aaron for killing them. So we're in good company. (Laughter) Now, I was not suppressing my feelings, I was not gritting my teeth. I was not trying to be a hero. it was effortless, because I'm learning slowly, 'let Christ live again' the life He lives under the government of God, the Lord kept committing all His insults and injuries to Him who judges righteously in His government, the righteous God to whom He submitted Himself."
I am going to share a quote from a Christian leader out here in ‘poor degraded Christianity’ in contrast to the way RK has described his response to: himself and his ministry being called into question on a public forum, as documented above.
Found in the book ‘The Most Powerful Prayer On Earth’ by Peter Horrobin.
The prayer referred to in the title of this book is actually Jesus’ last prayer as he was dying on the cross where he said, ‘Forgive them father, for they do not know what they are doing’. [Luke 23:34]
Beginning on Page 62, on the subject of gaining freedom from those who would steal a person’s reputation through the malicious spreading of lies and slander, the author writes:
‘Many years ago certain people said and wrote totally untrue words about me and the ministry I am involved in. Even today I come across people whose first instinct is to have nothing to do with us because of the words that were lodged in their memories.
‘The laws of most countries have provisions to protect the good name of individuals from such slander and libel. Not only is it a serious legal offense to steal a man’s good name, but it is also a serious offense before God [Exod. 20:16; Prov. 19.5; Matt 15:19-20]
‘However, the fact that what they are doing is wrong does not give me an excuse to harbor bitterness in my own heart against such thieves! By doing so I would only make it harder for people to find out the truth and change their opinion. Each time I come across someone who has been negatively affected by the words people have said or written is a fresh opportunity to forgive them and pray the most powerful prayer on earth! Ultimately the truth will be revealed, and God has to be the vindicator of our reputation……
‘People stole [Jesus] reputation. They did him a terrible disservice. [referring to all those responsible for bringing him to the cross]. But ‘Father, forgive them’ was ultimately all that Jesus said. He could only have prayed this prayer to God if his own heart was forgiving towards those who had hurt him….but….all of the accusations against Jesus were demonstrated to be untrue on resurrection morning!’
To forgive in this way reflects God’s character directly. This 'poor degraded Christian' out there in RK's 'spiritual darkness' has reflected God’s character in his handling of those ‘attackers and opposers’ that he encounters, (though he fails to give them such negative labels!) RK mentions the ground opening up and swallowing his ‘opposers’, and laughs about it. His only testimony is to his own seared conscience, as noted already. Peter Horrobin and Jesus pray to forgive, citing deception and ignorance, and not 'evil' in those at odds with them. The contrast is stark enough, I don’t think I need to labour it, I know which camp I would be found in….!
My final thought is, maybe the one commentator has nothing to hide, and is truly not guilty of the words spread around, and has a commitment to grace rather than trying to win the toss. While the other does have something to hide, so keeps returning to the subject even many years later, as he will never be at inner peace on the matter till he resolves it in God’s way. The question of forgiving does not even enter RK's thinking, it appears he is completely oblivious to the cross of Jesus Christ and what His character and example to humanity communicate to us. In contrast, Peter Horrobin does not name those who spoke against him, a further indication that he is just mentioning a principle, not rehashing an unresolved grievance.