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Old 03-28-2020, 11:10 PM   #12
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Phoenix - Ron is really trying to excuse himself condemning Jo, me,

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
Greg and Jo Casteel

"Then, after the training in July, maybe you remember there were some strong words spoken concerning rebellion and some serious words spoken about misrepresenting God, And about 5 or 6 weeks later the husband of the one who was being the most vociferous, speaking the most, every kind of evil, negative thing, took his life.

Then I received emails accusing me of his death and was told, 'you have blood on your hands”. I can’t mention the vocabulary used. Again, didn't bother me, no fear, no anxiety, no need to fight back. I give this to you, Father God. This attack is against You. Then I read again in Numbers 16, after the ground opened up the sons of Korah and his followers went down to Sheol and the fire came down and 250 died. The next day all the people blamed Moses and Aaron for killing them. So we're in good company. (Laughter) Now, I was not suppressing my feelings, I was not gritting my teeth. I was not trying to be a hero. it was effortless, because I'm learning slowly, 'let Christ live again' the life He lives under the government of God, the Lord kept committing all His insults and injuries to Him who judges righteously in His government, the righteous God to whom He submitted Himself."
Where and when was this spoken?
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