Actually I am convinced that this pandemic was "authorized" by God to first of all "SIFT" the people and institutions who claim to be His. Malchi 1:10 comes to mind - "I wish one of you would shut the doors [to my house] so that you could not light fires on my altar for no reason. I'm not pleased with you," says the LORD of Armies, "and I won't accept your offerings. (God's Word Translation) Whenever God self-identifies as Lord of Hosts or Armies - the message that follows is often going to be fighting words! Another passage comes to mind:
Jeremiah 14:12
Although they may fast, I will not listen to their cry; although they may offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will finish them off by sword and famine and plague."
Secondly, this SIFTING has already impacted the rest of the world system, and eventually they may figure out that the shaking has come mainly because of a disobedient corporate Jonah hiding in the belly of spaceship earth. My latest video project greatly influenced the writing of this post, and here is a link to it: Why the "Ignorant Elitism" of Ron Kangas has exposed thousands to a Pandemic Of Fear - - It feels really good to be actively posting on this forum once again... PS