Originally Posted by doggonit
The spite and rancor Kangas speaks with is astounding. Dude, John Ingalls left your little personality cult over 30 years ago and is now passed away and with the Lord. Give it a rest. Really Ron, you should consider seeing a psych doc or something to take care of your deep seated anger issues. You seem to forget, John Ingalls was your deputy authority (or deputy deputy authority under brother Lee) and YOU rebelled against him! Repent! Don't you know that even if the deputy authority is wrong he is right!
Doggonit, Point well taken.
Really no different from LC ancestors -- the Exclusive British Brethren -- who also demanded for generations that George Muller be soundly condemned for his actions standing up to their grandpa MOTA -- J N Darby -- during his faux quarantine of B W Newton of Plymouth.
But let's not also forget the Divine response. It has been said that our Heavenly Father perhaps responded with more direct and verifiable answers to Muller's prayers than any servant of God in church history.
If God is for us, who can be against us?