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Old 03-13-2020, 01:57 PM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re:Open Letter to Ron Kangas 3- 2020

Dear brother Ron,

I see that you have again chosen this path of speaking carelessly about me and about John Ingalls. Why? You have certainly been given enough time and opportunity to know the history and to help others to know it, but you will not conduct yourself accordingly and become a righteous one in the matter. Yet it is required under God’s government for you to do so. Representation of God requires capitulation to Him, and His activity.

But before going further, let me say something quite favorably about “the LSM brothers” who have contributed to the spiritual welfare and beautiful scene of the 900+ churches and several thousands of saints enjoying Christ in the Philippines. They certainly have benefited practically and spiritually from the ministries of brothers Nee and Lee in their beginning years, and also from laboring brothers since then, including Anaheim’s. I saw videos regarding this and watched them over and over and emailed them to three pastors and other people I know in the Philippines. I also put these videos on our forums for current and former LC members, and have sent them to others in the U. S.

It is not the tremendous upside I have a problem with in our history, but the incredible downside and the need for current leaders to ascend to the Throne and hold the scepter of uprightness with Him Who “loves righteousness and hates lawlessness,” that leaders might obtain the “oil of exultant joy” also; and be in a splendid condition for leading many more “sons” to the Throne with them and its foundation of righteousness and justice. (Ps 89:14)

You and “the brothers” are just a thorough and profoundly important repentance away from leadership, and for making straight the way of the Lord.

Includes John Ingalls account of events and concerns he faced in the late 80s turmoil, and having been in the first eldership in the U. S., he faithfully records the path of deviation from the early way in the churches that took place and the “change of nature” it brought into “the recovery” that resulted.

Steve Isitt
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