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Old 03-11-2020, 02:03 PM   #106
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
Whenever I see statements like this one Lee made, I have to ask whether the intention was to convey some Biblical truth or to deliver something for shock value. All too often it was the latter.
If it was just for "shock value," then did Lee really believe what he was saying?

Remember the conversation Don Rutledge recorded about a ranking brother who just returned from Taipei back in the 80's? Basically, "The Father is first, then the Son, then the Spirit, then Witness Lee." One of the startled hearers then asked, "and who then is #5?"

Whether Lee believed what he taught or not, many of his followers did. Some of them even believed that Philip Lee was #5. Imagine that! By all accounts the guy was unsaved, profligate, and totally obnoxious, yet he was considered by those senior-Blendeds-to-be as Lee's must "loyal and faithful co-worker." Crazy!

Was Philip then mingled, blended, and incorporated into the Triune God like his dad?


For years in the Midwest region we were taught that Witness Lee was Titus Chu's "spiritual father" and that all the goofs surrounding him in Anaheim or Taipei during his last 30 years just "messed things up" and distorted his message because they were all "childish boys."

That was as foolhardy as these teachings themselves.
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