In my attempts to contact Ron Kangas, he has not responded to have communication with me directly. In his current speaking about God's government, he ends his talk by referring to me as "a destructive person," one who violates God's government.
Ron Kangas does not know as he ought to know. He just talks, and talks....
He talks about people. As if he has no conscience about
what he is saying....
And, this is the problem with him and his counterparts. Under their otherwise healthy form of teaching on church government, they include a diabolical element that corrupts, requiring of them to suppress their conscience about things regarding their hidden history. Their practice of denying the truth of turmoil and division, etc., has taken its toll on "our" brothers and on their collective conscience. And the fruit? Manifestly, is not good.
Whether unwittingly or not, the current leadership has come under a rule of authority that has its roots in the beginning years in Shanghai, and has emerged as the "covering of Noah" doctrine "to see, hear, and speak no evil" of a deputy authority of God. This involves most conspicuously the covering up of sins and failures among the leaders, past and present, especially the two designated as a "minister of the age". They are treated more like gods and not men who can err, commit and confess sins, be covered properly and forgiven that transparency and love both would prevail in the Body.
So the misguided leaders and saints do not mess with what is written and been accepted in the churches as truth. To "our" leaders whatever their mentor before them has said is truth, and his version of the official history is not even examined by them, and all blame is "DUTIFULLY" displaced onto others. This is where Ron Kangas turns aside and errs greatly in his supposed representation of God and His government.
His characterization of me has gone out falsely - as in Ecuador, so now also in the Philippines. In both places and (and in others that I don't know about) he missteps.
In Ecuador and South America his word about me was spread, damaging my name and person. In the Philippines he didn't mention my name publicly on the tape, but dozens or hundreds know who he was talking about. So, this was very foolish of him. And, he speaks about those with power in the church damaging others, and seems totally detached from what his international platform does to me and others he carelessly and unfairly condemns.