Thread: Enneagram?
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Old 02-26-2020, 06:59 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 14
Default Enneagram?

The place where I'm meeting is holding a "workshop" on using the Enneagram. I read up a bit on it and it seems to have ties to the occult, mysticism, and as far as I can tell, does not promote a dependence on God or relationship with Him - more of a figure yourself out by yourself and you'll be a better person.

This may not be the place to ask since it doesn't directly relate to the Lcs. I'm just puzzled how to proceed. At this point, I don't think the Enneagram is a good thing, and I don't want to get involved in it. That's pretty settled. What isn't settled is where do I go from here? Talk with the pastor? (to what end?) Just leave and find another congregation that doesn't promote the Enneagram? Speak up to others?

My questions to you are 1) have you been around the Enneagram? If so, how did it measure up against the Word? 2) If you believe before the Lord that you can't be involved in some practice, do you leave, speak up, speak up then leave, stay and speak up?

The church at large seems to be engaging in more and more things, activities, programs, etc. that just seem strange to me. When do the minors become the majors?

Haven't fully formed my thoughts on this one - so apologies for the ramblings!

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