Re: Talking to Believers in the Local Chuch
Good discussion! There are certainly approaches that would take us into the extreme in both directions - legalism or unpractical spiritism. The Anointing within will confirm His word and visa versa, won't it? And yet there are certainly times we must step out on faith without much of a sense, so it's all an experiment of sorts. (and hopefully we will recognize His inner leading that can keep us from tilting at windmills for too long . . .)
And good for you Trapped, for calling out the extra-biblical phrase, "follow the sense of life." What I do find in scripture is "walk in spirit" so perhaps it's better to say that. (yet that also does NOT mean there is no "sense of life and peace" which the Anointing produces in us!)
And I agree with Ohio, that the extreme WL teaching could certainly produce strongholds of ultra-spiritualism in people! But the Lord did also say things like, "Let the dead bury the dead," and told Martha that her sister had chosen the better part (rather than helping her with the housework), which I find pretty offensive to my natural thinking . . .
So before anyone thinks we have it all figured out (especially me) how about this: "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life"?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!