Originally Posted by Trapped
I'm right there with you. In one of the messages from the recent semi-annual training in December the brother was talking about not living by right or wrong but by life. He gave some example of it being "right" to visit a sick neighbor if you live in the realm of right and wrong, but if you live by the sense of life then you will ask the Lord "How do you feel about me visiting my sick neighbor?" before you do it.
All I could think is how strange it was that they would throw up the warning lights about something we are commanded to do - love your neighbor - and that if everyone lived by that strange teaching then everyone would be, as you said, paralyzed waiting for a sense that will simply never come.
Great discussion here about the deleterious effects on love which so plague former LC members.
When I first started reading on this forum, one poster repeated an old testimony from a LC meeting. The testimony kind of shocked me into "sobriety" so to speak. The sick wife was doing dishes after dinner, but her husband was reluctant to assist her because he didn't want to do anything "from his natural man."
Huh? Who thinks this way? Only someone steeped in Leeism. How could a serious Christian husband be prevented from the most basic act of love due to a distorted teaching about love? The story was just too weird to ever forget.
Lee's teachings are just way too extreme, to say the least. Perhaps the sister in this story was not "good material," and thus not deserving of love? Perhaps the brother needed to pray-read, waiting on the "inner sense of life," before helping with the dishes? This story was told in a meeting. It was not just a passing thought in his mind, then quickly rejected. Lee's extremes had created mental strongholds, reinforced barriers, blocking the simple flow of love and good works. The poor guy was paralyzed and impotent, imprisoned by Lee's errant teachings about "following the Lord." Or should I say his poor wife?