Originally Posted by aron
One thing about fundamentalist Protestant splinter cells: they separate over some supposedly crucial truth, then won't allow their members the same latitude. Many who left "dead religion" in the 1960s and 70s for the LC were horrified that later their children wanted the same exact thing - the freedom to choose. You have to wonder - if "Everyone but us is divisive" isn't perhaps most divisive of all.
Ha ha - this reminds me of a joke:
An elderly husband goes out to run some errands in which he has to get on the freeway for a few miles. A little later his wife is watching the news and sees a report about some crazy person driving the wrong way on the freeway. She urgently calls her husband's cell phone and says, "You better be careful - some nut is driving the wrong way on the freeway!" He replies, "I know, but it's not just one person - they're all driving the wrong way!"