Originally Posted by aron
I saw a documentary clip the other day, about a guy on tv named "Mr Rogers", who ran children's variety show on PBS -- someone did an interview with this black guy from Youngstown Ohio, like 60 years old, successful and articulate adult man of the world. They're asking him about what Mr. Rogers meant back then, and he's talking about what it was like being 7 or 8 years old in Youngstown, and being in his house, and Mr Rogers came on the telly.
The guy says, "No man had ever told me that I was loved before", and he starts crying. This is an adult man, 50 years later... Mr Rogers used to tell each kid listening, that they mattered, that they were ok, that they were exactly what and who they were supposed to be. He liked them just the way they were. And this kid didn't have anyone telling him that. But Mr. Rogers' voice reached him. Or, God's love through Mr. Rogers' voice reached him. And even remembering back through time, he could still feel the love.
To me, that's what it's all about. Just find someone a little worse off than you, your proverbial neighbor. Listen to them. Pay attention. Show them that you care. Show them that they do indeed matter. When you do, God's love will meet you there. Yes, Jesus and the Bible is important. But without love it's nothing. And we all can love. If we show love, we get love. That was the core of Jesus' teaching. And everything he did, everything he was, demonstrated this.
The Father loved us so much that He sent His Son. I mean, that's it.