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Old 01-14-2020, 11:48 AM   #293
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Huh!? You had me until that last sentence . . .

So I think what you were saying (up until the last sentence) is that there is more than just receiving the riches in the house, right? And I think I agree. That is, the supplying that goes on in the household provides the base and strength to go out and supply others - is that what yer saying?
Sort of — in part. But I'm not sure that I am actually saying what you think.

I am saying that the supply in the house is just part of the whole of what is God's economy. We surely need a supply. But the economy/administration of God is far beyond supplying spiritual food so that other things can happen. It is also the outworking of all those other things. From teaching in meetings, to praise and worship of God, to living righteously in everything we are and do, to caring for the poor, oppressed, and alien. It is everything that we do as the intentional followers of Christ in bearing his image.

So thinking of God's economy in terms of a household administration of its riches within the context of those who live there is, at best, only part of the whole that should be understood as God's economy. The household administration part is sort of like declaring that breakfast, lunch, and dinner is the sum total of our interaction with "God's economy" and that everything else — work, shopping, driving, resting, etc. — is something else. Instead, assuming that we are living and walking according to the Spirit (with our minds set on the Spirit to Use the terminology in Rom 8), then all of our living is part of God's economy. And having people qualified to better open the Word to us is part of God's economy. And sending evangelists/missionaries out to continue the spread of the Word is part of God's economy. And living like people who actually reflect the righteous God on this earth in everything we do is part of God's economy, in both the "spiritual" and "secular" things that we do. In fact, many say that for the Christian there is no such thing as a spiritual/secular divide, but everything is spiritual since it should flow out of our desire for, and obedience to Christ and everything he is doing on the earth in all things (not just preaching the gospel).

And if we don't live/walk according to the Spirit, then we are not, at that moment, participating in God's economy. Doesn't matter how much scripture you read in the morning, if you don't live it, then there is a failure. Doesn't matter how much enjoyment we get in some meeting.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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