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Old 01-11-2020, 09:59 AM   #286
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
. . . I realized there was an administration in the universe, but in the LC I saw it more as a heavy-hand God used to roll out His purpose . . .
And in that little bit is a revelation of the nature of God's economy as seen by Nee and Lee. It is a lens through which to view everything else. And the nature of that lens was defined in a manner that was effectively useless as a true lens.

But more than that, it seems to me that thinking of it as "an administration in the universe," while not simply incorrect, tends to miss the direction of the verses that introduce the concept. They are not introducing a divine administration that doles out everything or runs everything. Rather it is pointing to things (in the particular case, teachings) that result in God's economy. So the emphasis is not on the administration and what it does, but on the things that bring it about. To use a poor analogy, it is not a discussion of horsepower generated by internal combustion engines, but on the factors that result in that horsepower. Lee was focused on God's economy as being the source and cause rather than the result of something else. So God's economy is the result of so much. It is not the cause. Not saying that it has no results, but that is not what the verses were saying.
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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