Originally Posted by CoWorkersInTheLordsRecovery
Shepherding Words: We hope that people will understand the spirit in which the words were ministered and be perfected by the biblical insights they convey.
I was in the meetings and understood the spirit in which the words were ministered. I was sitting there, and heard Ron say, "Sometimes I think the only thing worse than a rebellious brother is a spiritual sister." I don't remember the paragraph before or after, but a chill settled over the crowd. It was like a dark thing flew out of his mouth in front of us all. "Sisters, know your place." That was the spirit. We all understood the spirit in which it was conveyed.
Now, how to reconcile that with the lauding - or in Ron's words "exaltation" - of "spiritual sisters" like ME Barber, J Penn-Lewis, J Guyon etc etc? No effort is ever made to balance the two extremes. What do you think it does to the souls of the flock, who are asked to simultaneously hold two radically discordant positions? It's not healthy, folks. Sorry, if that's an "attack" well that's what I saw. I was in the meeting, and heard he words. Anyone in any of the conferences or training meetings heard similar words. The quote supposedly "wrenched from context" was not a one-off. They say that stuff in most of the meetings. Somewhere along with all the spiritual speaking, they slip in a few phrases just so everyone knows - "this is how it really is."
The real problem for LC leaders is that these kinds of speakings, which have been given all along, now are being reported to the public. Twenty years ago, it didn't make it to the glossy, "polished" printed material. So now they're having an image problem.
And if the DCP & Shepherding Words want context, they have been repeatedly given the opportunity to explain how they sell a book by Mary E McDonough on "God's Plan of Salvation" and how it's quoted in their literature as supplying Nee with revelation on the "parts of man", and then the next thing they say is, "Sisters can't teach - it's in the Bible."
Go to LSM's book sales page, and look under letter "G" and there's McDonough's book.