Originally Posted by Nell
My question: Who talks this way? Who talks this way and why? To what end?
Here’s what Ron and his defenders should have said:
I’m sorry. I was wrong. We were wrong. My words toward my wife were harsh and incendiary and I totally understand why they were received as they were. I should have realized that whatever point I was trying to make would be lost.
I/We now realize that, historically, with such speaking and indeed treatment of women, those of us in Leadership have cultivated a culture of abuse in the churches. To all of you, men and women, I offer my sincere repentance for this terrible misrepresentation of God’s Word and God’s heart toward all of those for whom he gave his Son.
As fallen men, we learned a false understanding of authority. We seek to exercise authority over others, and indeed over women specifically. This is wrong. We are wrong. Please accept our repentance for propagating this evil and destructive understanding among the believers in the church for whom Jesus died.
If there is anyone among you, and I’m sure there are many, who have something you would like to say to us, bring to our attention, our door is now open. In the past, we assumed a position of power over you, punished you and blamed you for speaking the truth to us or about us. Not that we deserve it, but please forgive us, for once again, we were wrong. Our door was closed to you and to the truth. Please forgive us for our past offenses, our blindness and our deafness. We want to hear you and repent to each of you who desire to come and open your hearts to us without fear of retribution or retaliation or accusations of being “negative” or any such thing.
These are the words of a shepherd.
Excellent, Nell.
I wish we had "like" buttons so I could like your post.
It sticks out like a sore thumb that no matter what the BBs say, it is defended tooth and nail. As if they could never, ever say the wrong thing or be too much or be over the top and simply need to apologize for speaking out of line. How much healing that would bring to so many who are bothered by this kind of speaking from the podium!
But nooooooo, everyone ELSE is always wrong. *eye roll*