Re: Praise/Worship Songs! Turn Up Your Speakers!
Don't know who wrote it. Someone brought it up at a gathering in Scottsdale recently and we sang it (that's why it's fresh in me). Is this something that could be sang by Christians everywhere, or do you think there a "taint" to it?
Here are the full lyrics:
Praise the Lord, God sent His Son,
And salvation's work was done,
Glory to God!
God Himself became a man,
So that we might live in Him.
That's why I call on Him,
I give my all to Him.
For us He was crucified,
For the many, one Man died,
Glory to God!
One grain fell into the earth,
Many grains to bring to birth.
That's why I call on Him,
I give my all to Him.
He arose in victory,
From the grave, triumphantly,
Glory to God!
Now in resurrection He
As the Spirit lives in me.
That's why I call on Him,
I give my all to Him.
Call on Him from deep within,
Just by calling, He comes in,
Glory to God!
Once you call upon His name,
Nevermore you'll be the same.
We all must call on Him,
We give our all to Him.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!