Originally Posted by Ohio
Brother aron, you really should consider collecting all your inspirations and insights on Psalms, and writing a book.
I agree. There is much conversation I would like to engage with aron's post on psalms, but it is off topic from this forum!
But to be breif, it seems nuts that God appointed David to be King then abandoned him to hide in caves, terrified night after night that Saul would find him and kill him. How cruel!.... Yet the faith David developed there is what enabled him to turn to God for direction every time thereafter, and not bow to the pressures of people, as Saul had. And let's be frank, as most of us would too.
This is real dying to self. Letting go of our own efforts to preserve our own lives and status therein, to hold to Him. We need real circumstances in our lives in order to forge this faith as our reality, like David. And Job, and Joseph. They all three had very dark and lonely times where their faith and strength was forged.