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Old 12-16-2019, 09:46 PM   #441
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Default Re: Praise/Worship Songs! Turn Up Your Speakers!

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Mary did you know? Yes, Mary knew exactly what was going on, and praised God for it.
Yes and No.

I realize this thread is not really for discussion, but as we are in the final days of advent leading up to the celebration of the incarnation of the Word, it seems appropriate — at least a little.

Mary knew. But was continually learning what it meant. She knew he was the coming Messiah. But did she know that that meant? Not a king for an earthly throne, but a martyr to make a spiritual home in his people?

This was a dark point in history. The light was coming, but was not yet seen. Mary had hope, not certainty of knowledge.

The shepherds got a show of light and sound, and they went to Bethlehem to see. But then saw nothing more for at least 30 years afterward.

The town of Bethlehem was mostly unaware. Jerusalem, just a few miles away was clueless. It wasn't until the magi arrived some time later that anyone in Jerusalem finally got a clue, but still did not go to see.

While Mary was eventually part of the group of women following on his journeys, it does not appear that it was always so. She didn't understand his Father's calling when he was 12, and was somewhat chastised many years later when she and some of his brothers came to see him during his ministry travels.

Even the disciples who were with him for virtually his whole ministry still did not get it when the soldiers came in the garden and carried him away to be crucified.

The real knowing did not start until the morning of the resurrection. First with the women and then with some of the disciples. Then the two on the road to Emmaus. Then a closed room full. Eventually a few hundred in all.

Then the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. At that point, they knew. So much began to fall into place during those few days before he ascended from their sight.

We are the beneficiaries of a young girl who had enough faith to undertake a task she did not fully understand that would change the course of history. While not as the RCC does it, her name should be forever blessed.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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