Originally Posted by Curious
...once we've dealt with the log in our own eye, God may require that we address the speck in our brothers, not just that we earn the right to, it may be our moral responsibility to. But we do so with the humility of knowing our own fallibility, and the desire to rescue the guilty as well as the victims. This does not inhibit us from doing so with confidence and assertiveness... which can be easily read as being proud and controlling, but they're not the same thing either. ..
Being too timid can be a bad thing. Being ‘nice’ is not automatically being ‘good’ or ‘right’. (Though it can secure the approval of those in authority whose favor can meet one’s emotional needs…a hook.) I think it important to separate these things out..
Well put. I'd only add to your stress on clear thinking, that maybe some have to thrash through muddy thinking first, to get to clarity - and we may do so publicly and it may not be pretty. But Jesus is there & it's okay. It's a process. But yes the goal is clear thinking. Look how Jesus could reduce the whole of human existence to a few principles! (The key is, to find the right ones, whose consistancy remains and endures).
The key is, I don't have to be clear today. I can muddle forward into clarity. I don't have to be perfect - I can muddle forward to good. As long as I grant this grace to others, I have confidence that the Lord will similarly treat me. He promised this. And he is the King - the Law-giver.