Originally Posted by OBW
This is a tricky way to discuss how we deal with Lee, Nee and the Blendeds here. Just because there may be a "beam v speck" problem does not mean we cannot take this on.
And I know you know that.
We are admonished to not judge, yet also admonished to judge. And the admonishment in favor of judging is aimed mainly at the household of faith, not at the world. Surely we need to ensure that we are not blinded by our own flaws, but having done that, we may find ourselves with the call to bring charge against others in the body of Christ.
It is not everyone's charge. And sometimes it isn't yours or mine. But sometimes it may be.
And the fact that we provide a read map to the errors in the LC and its leadership (past and present) does not mean we have fallen into a trap, though that could be true.
I agree. It can be equally disobedient and people-pleasing to refuse to confront sin in others, as it is to do so from a judgmental or superior heart. It depends on our motivation and weather God is directing you to do that for Him or not.
So I’ve got another one of my thought-out ideas on this subject that I can’t help sharing here, maybe helpful for those who have been trained into unhealthy submission:
Matthew 5: 9 ‘Blessed are the peace-
makers’…….not the peace-
So what is the difference? actually, they are opposite of each other. Peacekeeping is doing what is necessary to keep the status quo. It is avoiding discomfort and conflict, submitting to the fear of being rejected or disliked, and taking no lead in addressing things; no responsibility of doing what one is able, to change a bad situation.
A peacemaker does the opposite of that list, with right motivation.
In other words, back to Ohio’s post, once we have dealt with the log in our own eye, God may require that we address the speck in our brothers, its not just that we earn the right to, it may be our moral responsibility to. But we do so with the humility of knowing our own fallibility, and the desire to rescue the guilty as well as the victims. This does not inhibit us from doing so with confidence and assertiveness. Confidence and assertiveness can be easily read as being proud and controlling, but they are not the same thing either.
I once avoided confronting something very important in my own life out of selfish motives….not wanting the hassle of conflict, the energy it takes, and some confusion about if it was right to. I got burnt for my inaction, and I regret it.
Being too timid can be a bad thing. Being ‘nice’ is not automatically being ‘good’ or ‘right’. (Though it can secure the approval of those in authority whose favor can meet one’s emotional needs…a hook.) I think it important to separate these things out.
So having spoken strong words in favor of being willing to confront I will also add the following to those leaving or recently left the LC:
Most who have been damaged and wounded in their ‘personhood’s from within the LC need to withdraw and heal first before taking this on. Let others shelter you while you take the time to heal and gain distance from the past. Let others speak up on your behalf till you feel you are ready. This forum is doing that for you, and others, God has organized this so your grievances have a voice. Don’t lash out in anger as they will have you then. Be aware of your emotional vulnerability, if you have been significantly hurt, (and you may not realise the full extent of that straight away).
Then whenever you feel called and ready to speak out you will do so from a place of
calm and
strength and you’ll be able to continue to
think clearly even under provocation. Those are the tests… and the biggest test: if you can feel
Jesus’ shield between you and anyone attacking you with words or hooks that have had a debilitating effect on you in the past. that's a real big one.
Give yourself time but also find ways to keep moving forward. It’s been a long journey for me, taken many years. Others may make it much faster but
don’t feel under pressure to get there quickly…its a step by step journey. that's my advice, for any to whom it may resonate.