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Old 12-14-2019, 12:02 PM   #232
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

The ‘Pattern of Sin’ since Adam and Eve

I want to add the following to the comment on ‘shepherding words’ handling of their defence…..

Looking at the first story in the bible, Adam, Eve and the fall, as a pattern.

The sequence goes as follows.
1. Doubting God
2. Act of disobedience
3. Hid
4. Lied
5. Blame-shifted

Point 1, they lost trust in God, prompted by the initiative of evil.

Point 2, they disobeyed as a consequence and this action was the moment of the fall.
From here on the ‘sin nature’ governed their responses, ie the ‘pattern of sin’ commences:

Point 3, they hid. Tried to hide what they did. Hiding is our first attempt always, at avoiding accountability.

Point 4, when directly confronted, they lied as to the reason why they hid, using a partial truth. (They were indeed aware that they were naked for the first time, but that was because they had put their trust in the words of the serpent and acted on them).

Point 5, when that didn’t work, they went to blame-shifting, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent.

Let’s look at the efforts of ‘shepherding Words:’

Point 2. Acts of unrighteousness. Abuses, financial exploitation. The things being named on this forum, things that use others to gain for themselves. (Adam and Eve thought the apple would provide for them things God was withholding, in their case to gain a wisdom to know good and evil. With the LR it was to gain other things beyond what God was providing too, weather material gain or pleasure in the case of molestation etc).

Point 3. Quick, hide! Hiding the truth. Pretend that it hasn’t or isn’t happening. Name the claims as being 'in the way of myths and rumours that were addressed already, long ago….’ Etc

Point 4. Lying. Financial gifts were ‘voluntary’, ‘we handle abusive situations according to normal procedures, like any company or organisation’, employ half truths that distract from the main point. etc.

Point 5. Blame-shifting: labelling those they have harmed as ‘opposing and negative ones’ and claiming others ‘abuse’ WL’s teachings. Etc.

My point? The pattern. It plays out over and over again. It’s not complicated, everyone who does wrong and works at avoiding the consequences follows in the same sequence of responses. And so does the LRM. Its all their own words: ‘shepherding!’
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