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Old 12-11-2019, 05:13 AM   #230
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
As aron has noted elsewhere, all are just "confident amateurs."

Or as Cal has asserted, perhaps better described as "sheepdogs," merely protecting the flock of God from a stray wolf wandering by.
... Wow... talk about wry humor going awry! ! !

To make things clear, I was just taking a playful poke at your Republican politics by taking a self-deprecating and mocking stab at myself (at...myself!) by making allusion to 45 whom 44 called uniquely unqualified back in 2016. It made all the headlines around the world at the time. I remember having a heated argument about the comment with my six-year old grand-daughter at the time. She luuurved 'the Donald' (now, not so much) and so naturally was not very pleased.

So, there's no need for name-calling calling me a dog or a werewolf or whatever. I just thought I was being clever and witty after I'd just read your objections to the impeachment hearings. It was not an attack. Sometimes we forget that a lot of the time humor doesn't carry over very well online and often leads to offence. So, my apologies.
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