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Old 12-10-2019, 03:38 PM   #151
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: John Ingalls / Minoru Chen Anaheim Annual Corporate Meeting

Originally Posted by Cal View Post
E55 - Max, John and Other Abuses

Examining the half-truths and lies presented by "the Lord's Recovery" about how it handled Max Rapoport, John Ingalls and other abuses.

John Ingalls explains his experience in the required annual business meeting referred to in Shepherding Words. Brother Lee had strategically moved Minoru Chen into position as an elder in Anaheim.


"The business meeting and election were to take place on the Lord’s Day, March 5th. On Thursday evening, March 2nd, Al and I met with Minoru Chen and Philip Lim to discuss the agenda for the business meeting. Minoru made a point very strongly that according to our custom the directors should always be elders. In fact, without our knowledge, in the preceding Lord’s Day meeting on the Chinese-speaking side, Minoru had educated the saints to this effect, pointing out that in the coming election for directors, they should do the same on the English-speaking side. This we declined to do in the present divided situation, since the by-laws expressly stated that any member of the corporation could be nominated and elected to the post. We anticipated that this time we would have to vote by ballot as there would likely be more than one candidate nominated.
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