Originally Posted by Gospelicious
I personally believe that writing that book and enforcing its ideas upon the flock of God was Watchman Nee's greatest mistake (from where I'm standing). God's judgment soon followed after: and it was sure, and it was severe: and it was unstoppable.
Stop to think for a moment about the 'poetic justice' of it all. You espouse 'authority and submission' and the Lord turns a whole country upside down to give you a first-hand dose of your own medicine!
I have not read everything available, but nothing I have read from WN's ministry after his discipline in 1942 has been healthy or beneficial.
WN left his "vision" of local assemblies administered by independent elders, and decided they needed a strong controlling headquarters, with him at the top. He left his teaching of never getting involved with politics, and began to make decisions for the entire movement in cooperation with the Communist Government's Three-Self Committee. He left his long-standing policy of offering in secret to demanding that all "hand over" their wealth to him. He left his plans for autonomous assemblies throughout China, and opted for a huge auditorium in Shanghai for him to speak.
Sound very much like what happened in the US.