Originally Posted by Freedom
I remember the blendeds making reference to these 'private' conversations with WL. At the time it sounded reasonable. Later on, I remember questioning their appeal to what WL did or didn't say, since it's obvious that some of that stuff will never be known. And at a more general level, people should question why what WL did or didn't say matters in the first place.
The reality of it is that so much of what the LC tries to justify is based on arguments that just don't hold up to reason whether that be faulty logic or appeals to WL statements (which don't even matter in the first place).
When studying Brethren history, so many of their so-called spiritual principles surrounding the initial excommunications of Newton and Muller became codified for further action at a later date. Darby was responsible for their expulsions, but others like Wigram also wrote extensively to demonize these innocent brothers. I once read a paper by Wigram, in the aftermath of their first schism, which went way beyond the pale, fear-mongering and inferring incredible dangers based on OT speculations.
Beloved brother George Muller, nationally revered for his passionate care for orphans, became especially reviled as the most pernicious danger in all the British Empire. Decades subsequent to his expulsion, new Exclusive converts were accepted based on how they judged Muller. It's almost unbelievable to consider this could have happened. But it did.
History repeated in the Recovery. Underlings learned from Darby much the same as BP and RK learned from WL. They then took things further. Is it any surprise that bad practices tend to worsen over time? How else do we explain how the Levitical ordinance to re-plaster leprous houses could become 21st Century justification for DCP to destroy Midwest LC's?