Originally Posted by Freedom
This type of pattern is evident throughout LC history. When they get to define what is "evil" means, it provides them with the rationale for just about any action. This type of recklessness is the legacy that WL left behind.
The blendeds obviously continued in that same pattern. Like I mentioned, I think they are now stuck playing defense. It doesn't seem like it ever occurred to them what the effects of a mass quarantine in the midwest might be, just like WL didn't realize the repercussions of ousting those like Max and John.
When Titus Chu (Midwest LC's) and Dong (S. America LC's) were excommunicated, the Blendeds based all their actions and writings on what WL did and taught and spoke privately when he expelled both Max and Ingalls from their service in the Recovery. TC's Kangaroo Court during the Whistler ITERO reminds me of the impeachment hearings -- a sham without due process, distorted facts based on hearsay, biased "experts," no defense witnesses, no cross-examinations, rush to judgment, etc.
Once the pattern from the scripture is abandoned, the Recovery became like a ship floating at sea, with neither sails nor rudder nor anchor. It became painfully obvious that the chief Blendeds just hated TC, and were willing to sacrifice any and all in order to purge him from their midst. TC had become a pariah to the Blendeds much the same as Paul was to the Judaizers, willing to abandon scripture, principle, and people in order to cling to their illegitimate power.