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Old 12-03-2019, 02:02 PM   #205
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Default Re: John Ingalls

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I can still remember like it was yesterday how big of a deal the blendeds made about TC, even though most of us on the west coast had no idea who he even was. But the blendeds did make the message perfectly clear - any detractors, dissenters, etc would be shown the door.

Fast forward to 2019 and the blendeds find themselves on the defense in regards to their past actions related to the various internal conflicts that took place. At one point in time, it was convenient for them to rationalize kicking people out, now it seems they want to pretend that they have never kicked anyone out.

All these quarantines are going to catch up to them eventually (and already have). The LC is a system that doesn't tolerate dissent. So by very virtual of such a system, they have greatly limited the people and personalities that can exist within such a system (not good for numbers). Unless they want to back away from all that, people will continue to see the LC for what it is.
I have mentioned this before, but I'll repeat. For me this seems to be the basic, underlying, and fatal flaw of exclusive systems. I saw it with the Catholics, the Amish, the Brethren, Nee, Lee, and the Blendeds.

I came across this when studying the Brethren. One of Darby's earliest tracts was this: Separation from Evil - God's Principle of Unity

At first glance it might sound spiritual, almost Biblical. Think about it. Do we have the oneness of the Spirit, or a oneness of "purity," without evil? Once we lose what is positive of the faith, we then succumb to the whims of our leader. Who gets to define what or who is "evil?"

Every schism, division, and storm among the Brethren or the Recovery was based on the leader defining "evil" for the movement. I have studied nearly all the divisions among the Brethren and Recovery, and each case was a sham. "Evil" was what the boss said it was. Max was "evil" because he confronted Philip Lee for adultery. Titus Chu was "evil" because he allowed electric guitars in the young people gatherings. I could go on and on with Brethren nonsense which resulted in their divisions.

But the root cause is their mistaken views of oneness or unity. Did not the so-called "ground of oneness" automatically condemn all Christians as evil? What is the result? All Christians are evil. Only we are holy, pure, and one, standing on the proper ground.
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