Originally Posted by Ohio
Apparently Titus Chu learned this "lesson" much faster than any of the other "concerned" brothers with John Ingalls. Reading JI's account STTIL we learned that TC flip-flopped his loyalty overnight after just one meeting with WL and perhaps a few of his thugs.
On this matter, however, the BB's would not mischaracterize TC. Rather they would promote TC as an example of "covering" WL and his son Philip.
I can still remember like it was yesterday how big of a deal the blendeds made about TC, even though most of us on the west coast had no idea who he even was. But the blendeds did make the message perfectly clear - any detractors, dissenters, etc would be shown the door.
Fast forward to 2019 and the blendeds find themselves on the defense in regards to their past actions related to the various internal conflicts that took place. At one point in time, it was convenient for them to rationalize kicking people out, now it seems they want to pretend that they have never kicked anyone out.
All these quarantines are going to catch up to them eventually (and already have). The LC is a system that doesn't tolerate dissent. So by very virtual of such a system, they have greatly limited the people and personalities that can exist within such a system (not good for numbers). Unless they want to back away from all that, people will continue to see the LC for what it is.