Originally Posted by Freedom
The article from sheherdingwords.com completely mischaracterizes the issue. JI was forced out because WL was intolerant of any sort of criticism. Long before JI was quarantined, I think he and others realized the risk that they were taking in bringing their concerns before WL. They never tried to leave the LC, they tried to stick around and make things work, and that was the very thing that got them quarantined.
Apparently Titus Chu learned this "lesson" much faster than any of the other "concerned" brothers with John Ingalls. Reading JI's account
STTIL we learned that TC flip-flopped his loyalty overnight after just one meeting with WL and perhaps a few of his thugs.
On this matter, however, the BB's would not mischaracterize TC. Rather they would promote TC as an example of "covering" WL and his son Philip.