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Old 11-29-2019, 01:43 PM   #197
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
2. Instead, they do the above, they suggest that Witness lee is the one being abused, or at least his teachings are. This detail is something to take careful note of, its how abusers flip the tables and confuse their victims, as over-empathising with other’s pain is an easy trip-up for an abuse victim. In place of acknowledgement, they are calling the victim card on themselves and this I call a deliberate psychological trick, and a sinister one. They could’ve just said ‘misinterpreting his ministry’, but they choose the loaded word ‘abuse’.
Yes, this came to mind for me as well when I read their article. It doesn't take much searching on the internet to find all the various cases of abuse that have occurring within the LC. Even in my own experience, I had to deal with what I would call abusive behavior. Nowhere near as severe as what others experienced, but in all these different cases, there is a common pattern. They deny the abuse has occurred, they play the authority card claiming that the victims have no right to question the abusers, and they attempt to make the victims feel guilty for daring to speak out.

Before I left the LC, I expressed some of my concerns about certain patterns of abuse that I saw in the LC. I was subsequently told that such patterns were related to certain people in the LC who were "off" and had nothing to do with WL or the LC as a whole. This caused me to second-guess myself. I wondered if I was making too big of a deal about my concerns. I never saw anyone else speak out, so I figured maybe I should just drop my concerns.

The denial of the abuse is what people really should take note of. Their argument about "abusing" WL's ministry is utter nonsense. WL has been dead for 20+ years and what he taught is what he taught. He isn't around to provide any clarification on what he taught. So many people outside the LC as well as former members have arrived at the conclusion that he taught a number of questionable things. The real issue is that LSM, DCP, and the blendeds don't like the fact that people have dared to attribute certain of WL's teachings to being what has enabled abuse to happen within the LC.
Isaiah 43:10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.
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