Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"
‘Shepherding Words’, subtitle ‘Covering, not Covering Up’.
Opening statement:
‘By misrepresenting Witness Lee’s teaching concerning Noah and his three sons, some have falsely claimed that he justified covering up gross sins, particularly if the sinning one occupies a position of authority. Any who appeal to his teaching on Noah and his sons to justify covering up gross sins are abusing his ministry.’
This is an extremely telling opening statement. Two things here:
1. What they left out: There is no comment given anywhere that expresses sadness, regret or concern about what pain and suffering has occurred in the lives of Jo Casteel or Jane Anderson. No expression of empathy or care towards them or acknowledgement even. They avoid showing any love or care for those who have been hurt while under their care, regardless of weather they feel any level of responsibility or not. Nothing stops them from offering a message of sympathy, (except guilt?)
2. Instead, they do the above, they suggest that Witness lee is the one being abused, or at least his teachings are. This detail is something to take careful note of, its how abusers flip the tables and confuse their victims, as over-empathising with other’s pain is an easy trip-up for an abuse victim. In place of acknowledgement, they are calling the victim card on themselves and this I call a deliberate psychological trick, and a sinister one. They could’ve just said ‘misinterpreting his ministry’, but they choose the loaded word ‘abuse’.
The whole site is a major blame-shifting exercise actually. Individual saints may abuse, users of their materials who are no longer under their authority ‘abuse’ WLs teachings, ex-members are full of ambition. But no stain on them….I do actually feel deeply sad for them.
Ok ‘shepherding words’, give us an example of where you were wrong about something and you resolved it in all the ways you describe on your site. And provide an independent person to verify that it happened as you say. You claim you don’t believe you are infallible, give us an example where you made a mistake and learned something useful through it….citing lots of principles doesn’t tell us you necessarily put them into practice.
Wounded people: watch out for ways abusers turn the tables and present themselves as the victims instead.