Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"
Originally Posted by UntoHim
Were Max Rapoport and John Ingalls Forced Out?
In February 1978 some brothers informed Brother Lee that one of the co-workers, Max Rapoport, was seeking to undermine his work and ministry and to incite a “revolution” among the younger saints in the local churches. By the Lord’s leading Brother Lee did nothing to directly oppose Rapoport’s efforts or to expose his misconduct.
Let me just dismantle the falsehoods here.
- WL started his "Young Galileans" move or "flow"
- WL sent Max out from Anaheim to shake up the young people in the LC's
- Max NEVER undermined Lee's work or ministry
- The "revolution" was begun by WL and Max was his agent of change
- The "revolution" stirred up the young people against their elders
- Chaos sprung up in many LC's, with the young people accusing their elders of "undermining WL's burden"
- Then Max did the unthinkable -- confronting Philip Lee for molesting a sister, having an adulterous relationship at LSM offices
- When all hell broke loose, WL needed a convenient scapegoat
- Lee threw Max under the bus to preserve his own pristine image
- As with every "storm" it is labeled by Lee as a "rebellion"
- WL used an ancient Chinese custom of attacking your opponent by shaming his wife
- WL targeted Max's wife, humiliating her publicly as the "instigator of a sisters' rebellion
- "WL did nothing to directly oppose" Max??? Nothing could be further from the truth
- WL fabricated self-serving accusations about Max and his wife to protect his own family. He undermined righteousness by "shooting the messenger"
- Max repented of all his wrongdoing, WL never did
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!