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Old 11-15-2019, 08:29 PM   #185
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

'Shepherding words' tackling mental health, and the usefulness of psychiatric intervention.

I am an outsider looking in. I’m not an expert in the LC. I want to stay mindful of that and remind others on the forum too.

Additionally, I seek to limit my observations to what I’ve actually seen and experienced for myself.

With this in mind I have a comment about the topic of seeking psychological help for mental illness or mental distress of LC members.
I suspect that, regardless of the rigidity of the BB’s, and their devotion to every detail of the doctrines and writings of WL, if there’s an issue they could be forced to modify, it’s the one on mental health, and psychological care of members.

from my observations, they exert emotional stress, duress, injustice and control, as discussed also at length on this forum. They cause members to experience cognitive dissonance as they bow to the stress, pressure, injustice and control, deceiving themselves and others that this is God’s way. This causes huge internal pressure which has no resolution, and the person, especially if female, is instructed to not even discuss with anyone…..that’s a whole set of risk factors against good mental health. to be frank, cognitive dissonance is the thin end of the wedge towards DID, (dissociative identity disorder). Which is a major psychiatric disorder, (and one deliberately instilled in satanic ritual abuse). it is nasty, and highly destructive.

There will be a higher than average instance of mental health problems with LC membership, I believe. I saw enough as an observer to feel quite concerned about this. The peer pressure for those not coping, and the judgementalism, relationship breakdowns and soap-opera type dramas, with much blame-shifting, all hidden under a thinly veiled pretence that denies it all…. there’s a lot to see when you are just sitting on the side-lines, observing.

For those floundering, their helplessness is compounded from multiple directions. Trying to live up to being ‘God in life and nature’ but actually being under-resourced to even function normally is not an equation that can add to a good result. This from persons born-in, second generation LCers! They are supposed to be flagships for the cause, evidence of it’s ‘reality’!....yet another source of pressure to be a living example of a schema that just doesn’t work, because it’s not actually truth.

In my theory here, The BB’s find themselves in a difficult space. To be true to the logic behind WL’s teachings, there is no room for nurturing the soul….overcoming the soul by eating Jesus as food into the spirit is clear. Satan, (though a created being and therefore not omnipresent, somehow, nevertheless), inhabits every human SOUL. You can’t easily then say, lets fix a broken soul by healing it as the soul when all efforts are to replace the soul with the regenerated spirit. It just doesn’t work unless you ignore the logic.

Who knows how many cases have caused the need for the BB’s to try to adjust this point. They’ve made an official concession here, possibly. Maybe its still a bald-faced lie, as so much of what they say is, I’m offering another possible explanation only…they may have recognised the need to release those suffering to receive help, and found it really did help them. Now they’re attempting to wordsmith it to reconcile it to WL’s teachings, which I don’t think is possible.

that's my offering on this topic. They have a lot to answer for, (but then probably, so do I)!
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