11-09-2019, 11:24 PM
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1,523
Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"
I got a good laugh out of this post on Jo's thread this morning:
Originally Posted by Max Springer on Facebook
This post will detour from my last post on the One Publication article to touch upon the new Hierarchy and Organization article on the shepherding words site.
One paragraph in the article states: “A hierarchical organization is a pyramid in which each level is subordinate to one above it, except for the highest level, which is supreme. Orders flow down the pyramid to the level at which they are to be implemented. Most mainline denominations have such a structure, dating back to the Roman Catholic Church with its pope, cardinals, archbishops, etc. In the Lord’s Body and among the churches in the Lord’s recovery as local expressions of the Body, there is no such thing; instead, there is the organic order of a living Body.”
I’ll just leave this hierarchical pyrami---, um, I mean diagram of an organic body here…
.............../.......W. Lee.........\................
............./......Sr. co-workers.....\.............
........../......Junior co-workers.......\..........
......../.....Elders/leading brothers......\.......
....../....................|..........................\.. ...
..../....Responsible & learning brothers...\...
../........................|......................... ...\..
/..Saints in the local churches as a whole..\.