Originally Posted by aron
The EL 'article' is a perfunctory dismissal in a few paragraphs. "Nothing to see here, move along." The last thing they actually want to do is examine the issue in any depth. Living Stream Ministry and Mainland PRC - isn't that a tale to tell?
At this point it has become quite apparent that Lee/LSM were not exporting the truth of the scriptures to Mainlamd China, but Lee-worship, Lee-idolatry. And that's what Eastern Lightning got. Of course, LSM refuses to acknowledge this, and had long boasted of millions of fruit in China from their ministry. Now, however, LSM to their shame disowns these ones. Shame on them. It's like disowning a child for not bringing you glory.
Setting aside all of his similarities to WL, Titus Chu was far more Biblically orthodox than both WL and his Blendeds. He had a genuine burden for his Chinese homeland. Who gave WL the authority to prevent him from going there? By whose authority could the Blendeds publicly shame TC in Whistler for secretly visiting China? God will judge that kangaroo court sham.
Is not the need in China far greater than the available workers? Should TC then obey God or man? Why hasn't LSM sent their workers to China to help these ones?