Originally Posted by Raptor
The Recovery is the epitome of 1 Cor. 1:11-13; the basic factor in the Recovery is not the Bible, nor Christ, nor the New Covenant, but Witness Lee. The Recovery is about those who follow Lee, are with Lee, are of Lee.
But I never would have admitted that. Not until LSM excommunicated the entire Midwest over our allegiance to Lee, or should I say lack thereof.
We always heard about "storms, rebellions, etc." in the Recovery. Seems like every decade had one. They were actually
PURGES. Every one of these storms was initiated by Lee or the Blendeds. "
This is only a test," as the announcer would tell us. That's right, "loyalty tests." Were we absolute for Lee ... or NOT?
Choose ye this day! Are you one with the ministry? Neutral you cannot be! Take a stand for the truth!
As with every storm in Recovery history, those who merely "
loved Lee" were assaulted by those "
absolute for Lee." This same scenario played out in every storm. But it got worse during these recent quarantines. LSM/DCP sponsored brothers to sue their church for meeting halls and bank accounts.