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Old 11-07-2019, 05:05 PM   #158
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
Something tells me that the LC collapse has already begun. They have zero ability to self-reflect, and such a system can only last so long. To me it seems apparent that they have become desperate, willing to go to any lengths to defend themselves.

Even in the past, their attacks were generally limited to prominent leaders, not the rank and file members. But recently those like Ron have shown that they will stop at nothing, even if it results in an extremely tragic outcome.
The Blendeds really are those "with Lee." They were with him for years, publicly and privately. By now, all of these ones are also well aged, passed on, or expelled in past storms. How can they continue with those in the lead who were with those who were with Lee?
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