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Old 11-06-2019, 02:51 PM   #156
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

To my observation the “Local Churches” that existed in the “early days” no longer exist. When the LSM rose to power, the churches, in effect, became franchises of the Living Stream Ministry. So, from that perspective, are the churches autonomous? No. Neither are they “churches”.

How did the LSM take over the churches? They required the churches to purchase LSM publications or risk not being in “good standing” with...who? LSM. Not the Lord. Not your conscience, LSM. A church didn’t want to be on the outs with the LSM.

What was the purchase of LSM publications based on? The Church’s phone list. They had to purchase X amount of books per name on the local Phone List.

The Churches passed on this purchase requirement to the names on the list. When I no longer could afford to buy all the stuff that was being force fed to me, the Bookroom sisters eventually just gave me what I was supposed to buy...mostly “Life Study Messages”.

Others may have examples of the practices that caused the LSM swallowing the churches. I stopped reading and just kept the messages in storage until the day I set them on the curb in boxes, not wanting to risk some unsuspecting soul of being caught up like I was.

The “Blended’s” aren’t really elders are they? Aren’t they just powerful members of the LSM Board of Regents or some such?

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