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Old 11-06-2019, 01:31 PM   #154
Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: Alberta
Posts: 21
Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post

The 'coworkers' put out an article on their attitude regarding seeking psychological help. Anyone who has been in the LC for any length of time has likely encountered their real attitude towards psychological help. Yet the go write an article which contradicts anything people have actually experienced in the LC. It's an insult to everyone's intelligence.
This article was easily one of the most ridiculous and outright false out of the ones recently posted. I have heard it time and time again in YP conferences, often from the likes of Willy Wise that mental illness "isn't real", its "made up," and "wasn't a thing when I was growing up." In meetings psychology and seeking a therapist was discouraged and if one did it was a sign that they "weren't in the spirit" or some such. The one quote supporting seeking treatment from Witness Lee in that article doesn't mean anything when through their actions they say the complete opposite.
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